Component Inspection Database Backup and Restore
Before we get started insert a thumb/flash drive into the PRV station.
We will now perform a backup of the database, by logging in as ‘Admin’ on the PRV station.
Click ‘Backup Database’
You will have a new window pop-up to save the database backup file.
Choose your thumb/flash drive and click ‘Save’. DO NOT change the name of the file.
Once the backup is complete you will get the following window.
You will need to download and install the latest Component Inspection software on the new PC using the standalone installer provided by an AIC Support Technician. If you need the latest installer contact AIC Support by emailing
Once you have downloaded the latest installer, you will need to double click the installation file ‘ComponentInspectionStandalone.exe’. The first window will ask you the installation type: ‘Fresh Installation’ or ‘Load from Backup’.
For this installation we will choose ‘Load from Backup’. Click the ‘Browse’ button and choose the .bak file that you saved in the ‘Backup Database’ step above, then click ‘Open’.
On the next window click ‘Next’
Now verify that all of your Shop Information is correct on the next page, make any changes that need to be made and click ‘Next’.
Next you will make sure that the proper ‘Component Type’ has a check mark next to it. In this case we will select ‘PRValve’ and click ‘Next’.
The next window is optional and is used for configuring the ‘M1004 – D4 Certificate of Test Form’. If you do not wish to use this option, simply click the ‘Install’ button. If you are using this option click the top ‘Browse’ button and select your company logo file, then click the bottom ‘Browse’ button and choose the ‘M1004 – D4 Certificate of Test Form.rdl’ file that was provided to you by AIC Support, then click ‘Install’.
Now click ‘Close’ on the next screen.
The installer will now install the latest version of Component Inspection. Click ‘Next’.
Next put a check mark in the ‘I accept the terms in the license agreement’ box and click ‘Next’.
Click ‘Next’ on the following screen
Click ‘Install’
Click ‘Finish’
Your backup and restore is now complete. You should be able to login to the new PRV station and see all of your old data plus create new labels.
If you have issues with printer calibration on the new PC. Go to our support website, to the ‘How To’ section for printer calibration instructions. The website is