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Modify element lookups


Component elements entered using a drop-down data entry field, also known as a drop-down list or combo box, contain a list of predefined values that a user can select from. These predefined values, or ‘lookups’, are configured using Shop Manager.

To modify the list of lookups for an element, log in to Shop Manager and select Options from the Tools menu.

For Component Elements, expand the Component Types section under System Settings, and double-click the component type that contains the element you want to modify. Click on the Elements tab, and then double-click the element you want to modify.

For Inspection Elements, expand the Inspections section under Shops and look for the inspection that contains the element you want to modify. Click on the Edit button next to the element you want to modify.

From the Element tab, select Lookups.

Use the Add/Edit/Delete buttons to modify the list of lookup values. Click the Add button to add a new lookup value. To edit an existing value, select the value from the list and click the Edit button. To remove a value from the list, select the value and click the Delete button.

The order that the values appear in the drop-down list corresponds to their position in the list of lookups. By default, lookup values appear in the order they are added to the list. You can use the order buttons to modify the order.

The first button (far left) sorts all values based on the frequency of use. The values with the most records in the database for this element are at the top.
The second button sorts all values based on the alphabetical value of the lookup Name.
The next two buttons move the selected value to the top of the list or bottom of the list.
The last two buttons move the selected value up or down one position.

When adding or editing a lookup value, a popup dialog is used to enter the Name, Value, and other optional fields.

Name is the text that is displayed in the drop-down.
Value is the text that is actually stored for the component element. You should not change the value unless you are sure you know what you are doing.
Condition is an optional field. It can be used to show or hide this specific value from the list of lookup values based on the Condition expression (a logical expression that must evaluate to True or False).
Image Id is an optional field that specifies and image to show in the drop-down list for this value.

Click Ok to accept any changes to the lookup value, or Cancel to close the popup dialog and revert any changes (or cancel adding a new value).

When you are finished modifying the list of lookups, you must click Save to save the changes for the Element you are modifying. If you have more than one Shop configured in your system, each shop can have separate settings for each element (including separate lookup values). To save these changes and apply them to all shops click the ‘Apply changes to all Shops’ button. To save the changes for just the current shop, click the Save button.

You will need to restart any applications where this element will appear, before the changes to the list of lookup values will take effect.