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Command Toolbar


Go Back – Returns you to the screen you most recently navigated away from.

Go Forward – Returns you to the screen you were most recently on before going Back

Refresh – Refresh all data for the current screen.

Go Home – Navigate to the Home (Dashboard) screen. For more information on Dashboards refer to the Dashboards and Widgets topic.

Reports Menu – You can access the list of available reports to select a report to run or manage the existing reports by importing a new report or removing existing reports. For more information about reports available and about creating custom reports refer to the Reports topic.

Documents Menu – Access the list of documents organized by category. Click on a document open it. For more information about documents, refer to the Document Viewer topic.

What’s New – Shop Manager has an RSS Feed reader for the AIC Rail blog to keep you up to date on what is happening at AIC Rail. To view the most recent blog posts simply click on the News icon in the top right corner of the Menu bar.

Chat – The Chat feature allows you to send and receive messages from other WSMS stations or with other Shop Manager users. For more information, refer to the topic on Chat.

Tools Menu – You can access commonly used functions as well as more advanced features and settings through the Tools menu. For more information, refer to the Tools Menu topic.

User’s Menu – Provides access to functions specific to the current user. For more information, refer to the User’s Menu topic.

Help Menu – Provides features for sending feedback to the AIC developer team, sending help requests to the AIC support team, or getting detailed application information (About) for the current version of Shop Manager.