Exporting Search Results to CSV in Shop Manager
Shop Manager has a built-in tool that allows you to export search results to csv format.
To begin, use the Search Bar at the top of the window to find the data you want.
Once you have the search results you wish to export, you can configure which columns are displayed as well as the order in which they are sorted.
To configure the columns in the search results windows, select the Configure Settings button next column headers.
Select which fields to show in the list of search results. The first column in the list of selected items determines the order in which the results are sorted.
The Available column shows a list of available search result fields. The Selected column shows the list of items that will be displayed in the search results. To add fields from the list of available items, select the field and click the Add button. To remove items from the list of selected items, click the Remove button. To sort the selected items, click the Move Up and Move Down buttons. Click Ok to save your changes.
To begin exporting your search results to Excel click the Export Search Results button. This will open a file explorer window where you can choose a location to save the CSV file.