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Shipments List
The Shipments List displays all Inbound shipments with a status of Incomplete.
Click ‘Unload’ to open the shipment for recording the components that are being unloaded. Refer to the Unload help topic for more information.
To edit the details of the shipment, click the Edit button to open the Add/Edit shipment screen.
Click ‘New Shipment’ button to create a new inbound shipment. Fill out all of the required fields and then click Save to finish creating the new shipment (required fields are indicated by a red asterisk).
- Shipment Type – the shipment configuration to use for this shipment.
- Load #- a unique number to identify the shipment. Load number should automatically populate using the next sequential available number, but can be manually changed as long as the number is not in use.
- Bill of Lading – a text field that can be used to record a BOL number for this shipment.
- Order # – a text field that can be used to record a PO number or Sales Order number for this shipment.
- Customer – The customer or vendor assigned to this shipment.
- Location – The specific location (shop name, city/state, etc) for the selected customer.
- Method – The method of shipment (Truck or Rail).
- Carrier – The name of the shipping carrier used to transport the shipment.
- Trailer # – The trailer or railcar number of the trailer/railcar used to transport the shipment.
- Comment – A text field that can be used to record any other information about this shipment.