released October 6, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Searching for shipments was returning all shipments that met the search criteria, instead of returning the results in pages.
- Searching for shipments by customer did not return the expected results. Users were not able to select a customer.
- Users could not un-select a scrap reason for an inspection element once they had selected a scrap reason and saved their changes.
- Some element requirements were causing an exception and preventing an assembly from being displayed in the search result details view.
- The popup chart that displays when double-clicking a mounting chart was not displaying the template or data cursor when they were enabled on the original chart that was clicked.
- Misfit Detection for DropoffAfterMinForce was not being calculated correctly when using the re-run misfit feature of the mounting chart history popup.
- When using the Import feature to import assembly data from another database, the assemblies would fail to import in some cases.
- Changes to Account Locations in the Options dialog were not getting saved.
- Chat feature now requires Use Chat permission to initiate a chat session with another user. Users can still receive chats from another user that has Use Chat permission, even if they do not have the Use Chat permission.
- A new Use Chat permission was added to the permission list when managing permission groups from the Options dialog.
- The MISIFT label displayed on mounting charts was changed to display below the gridlines and data series so it did not obscure the data series when there was a misfit.