Component Inspection version

Component Inspection version

released July 13, 2022

Bug Fixes

  • For some users, Component Inspection would crash after leaving the downtime screen.


  • Element Alerts – You can now define ‘Alert’ conditions for your component and inspection elements. Similar to validations and business rules, these Alerts will notify you when the data you enter violates the alert condition. Unlike validations and business rules, you can specify a Severity of Error, Warning, or Message. Alerts with severity of Error, still prevent the user from saving the data. However, a Severity of Warning will still notify the user of the alert, but allow them to save the data anyway. For more information on Element Alerts, contact our support team or browse our Help documentation.
  • Data Acquisition – You can now configure inspection elements to populate the data from a data acquisition device (such as a PLC) to automatically collect measurements, pass/fail conditions, etc. Contact us for more information if you have automated processes such as UT, MPI, Back to Back, Radial/Axial runouts, etc and would like to look into automatic data collection for your inspections,