- Bearing Press Recorder version
released November 21, 2023
Bug Fixes
- When using a single spindle torque tool, selecting a specific bolt torque value was not selecting that bolt for the next input.
- When using a single spindle torque tool, the selected torque value was not being reset to the first bolt field when a wheelset was loaded.
- When loading wheelsets from a Queue, in rare instances the queue would appear empty even though there were multiple wheelsets in the queue.
- When using Data Acquisition to read property values from a Tag based on a Trigger (instead of OnValueChanged), the tag value was not being copied to the property.
- In some cases, business rules that depend on one or both bearings would appear as errors even if the bearing has not been recorded yet.
- When Sequence Number was selected to reset based on Time Of Day, the sequence number would fail to reset on future days if the time of day had already elapsed when a user logged in for the first time that day.
- Element Requirements that depend on assembly properties (like Customer, Disposition, Configuration) were not being properly evaluated.
- If the Prompt for Back-to-Back’ feature was enabled, the Back-to-Back prompt opened underneath the progress dialog.
- User could not scan a new CID barcode if they scanned a CID barcode already in use, and received an error during Save that they needed to use a new barcode. They had to manually edit the CID.
- Multiple torque tools are now supported. Each bearing can be assigned to a specific torque tool.
- Language resources are now based on the Culture preference for the logged in user. If no culture is specified for the user, the machine settings will be used.
- BPR now requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8
- Machine Inspections now supports grouping.
- Calculated Outputs feature allows writing values to Data Acquisition (DAQ) tags based on condition expressions. For example, the wheel diameter, or axle journal diameters can be sent to a PLC. This feature also supports complex expressions and scripts.
- Calibrated Outputs feature allows writing DAQ tags based on settings from the Assembly Configuration. These outputs can be configured to allow calibration similar to force and distance transducers.
- DAQ Status popup was added to the menu bar for viewing tag values without having to go into the Options dialog. This menu only appears when one or more Data Acquisition devices is configured.
- Bearing Press Recorder version
released August 29, 2022
Bug Fixes
- In some cases, returning from Downtime would cause the application to crash and have to be restarted.
- If SQL Report Server was enabled as the report source without specifying the report server URL the application would crash.
- When loading a subcomponent that had the Customer assigned, the Customer was getting cleared out on that subcomponent when the wheelset was saved.
- You can now specify to allow dispositions other than Good to be recorded at Bearing Press Recorder.
- You can now disable the prompts to confirm update of a subcomponent when manually entering data. Users that routinely enter wheel and axle data along with the bearing data are no longer prompted to confirm they want to update the wheel or axle. Please be aware that un-intentional updates from the user could result in data being overwritten.
- Data Acquisition – automated bearing press system that collect torque values and peak force values from a PLC can now be configured to send that data to Bearing Press Recorder so it can be recorded along with the other bearing information without requiring user entry.
- Password Requirements – administrators can now specify password strength requirements like minimum number of characters, or required capital letters, numbers, or special characters. Users whose current password fails to meet the requirements will be required to change their password the next time they log in.
- Bearing Press Recorder version
released June 14, 2022
Bug Fixes
- Several users have reported issues with registration requests being sent to Railinc twice, causing a registration error like “Component already exists”. The problem appears to be that Railinc is now taking more than 30 seconds to respond to registration requests and is causing Bearing Press Recorder to time out while waiting on the reply. When Bearing Press Recorder receives a timeout it assumes the request did not get processed and so it sends it again.
This new update for BPR increases the time that we wait for a response from Railinc from 30 seconds to 2 minutes, and it also no longer tries to resend the request when an error or timeout occurs. The user will have to manually verify in UMLER if the registration was eventually processed by Railinc before resending the registration.
- Several users have reported issues with registration requests being sent to Railinc twice, causing a registration error like “Component already exists”. The problem appears to be that Railinc is now taking more than 30 seconds to respond to registration requests and is causing Bearing Press Recorder to time out while waiting on the reply. When Bearing Press Recorder receives a timeout it assumes the request did not get processed and so it sends it again.
- Bearing Press Recorder version
released May 9, 2022
Bug Fixes
- The previous update introduced an issue that caused performance issues for some users. After scanning a component barcode (wheel, axle, bearing) the application was querying the database multiple times causing a bottleneck and increasing the amount of time it took to process the barcode read.
- Some users are experiencing issues with registration when saving. In some instances, the registration is being sent to Railinc multiple times causing the subsequent attempts to get rejected because ‘Component already exists’ or ‘Sub Component already exist’.
- The previous update attempted to localize some of the error messages the users receive. One of these errors was entered incorrectly and prevented the error from being shown to the user if they scanned or entered a bearing that was already on another wheelset. This could have allowed the user to save the same bearing on multiple wheelsets.
- For some users, the Available Search Fields were showing more subcomponent positions than actualy exists (bearing 3 and 4, wheel 3 and 4, etc). This would happen for all customers that used a custom name for the subcomponents on one or more (but not all) assembly configurations.
- Bearing Press Recorder version
released May 3, 2022
Bug Fixes
- Language/Culture was always using the default (English-US) even if another culture was specified in the Machine Options.
- Bearing Press Recorder would crash after saving a wheelset, under certain circumstances.
- When viewing the wheelset details from the Search or History screen, clicking the Registration Status link would not do anything. It was supposed to popup a dialog with detailed information about the Registration and allow downloading the XML request/response files.
- The Customer field was not defaulting to the last value (or a specific value) even when a default value was selected in the Machine Settings.
- Chat, Get Logs, and Get Support menu options have been consolidated into a Help menu in the menu bar in order to reduce clutter and improve appearance on low resolution devices.
- When using the new OEE feature, the prompt to select the downtime is now shown modally to prevent the user from entering data or changing screens until they have selected the reason for the missed production rate.
- Testing computer clock – On startup, the computers clock is compared with the time from an internet server and if the time differs by more than 24 hours the user is prompted to confirm the computer clock time. Several users had issues where the computer clock would reset to 1/1/2009 or a similar date because the computer’s internal battery had failed, and this should help detect these issues.
- Bearing Press Recorder version
released April 15, 2022
Bug Fixes
- Settings for filtering torque tool values that had been included in Bearing Tracking were not included in Bearing Press Recorder.
- Data Acquisition Tags that had Triggers configured were not being having correctly and failed to trigger.
- If an assembly matches a recall criteria, the assembly was being flagged as a Recall but the disposition was not getting set to HOLD.
- Document Viewer failed to open the document list for lower resolution displays or if the DPI scaling was set to high.
- Added a new ‘toast’ notification when registering wheelsets from Bearing Press Recorder if the ‘wait for registration response’ setting is not enabled. This will notify the operator if there was a problem registering the last wheelset.
- Bearing Press Recorder
released December 3, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Duplicate mount records were getting created if the wheelset failed registration and the user chose to fix the error and tried to save again. This was causing the wheelset to show up multiple times on some reports.
- When creating a new assembly, Business Rules and Requirements were not updating if the rule depended on subcomponent elements or properties and those element or property values changed.
- Wheel, Axle, and Bearing subcomponent CIDs were not being parsed from the barcode after a previous update forced the barcode data to UPPERCASE.
- The Calibrate button is now disabled on the Home screen if there are no data acquisition devices to calibrate. Calibration is only needed if BPR is configured with the hardware for chart recording.
- Bearing Press Recorder
released October 26, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Inspection elements were not loading the previous value, even when LoadPreviousValue was selected in the inspection definition.
- Bearing Press Recorder version
released October 18, 2021
Bug Fixes
- BeforeSave plugins were no longer able to display message boxes to the user after a previous update changed the tasks to run asynchronously.
- Bearing Press Recorder version
released October 1, 2021
Bug Fixes
- For some users, search and history were unable to load assemblies optional database updates were not applied.
- Chat feature now requires Use Chat permission to initiate a chat session with another user. Users can still receive chats from another user that has Use Chat permission, even if they do not have the Use Chat permission.
New Features
- Barcode Modifiers are now available to fix issues with barcodes that do not meet the AAR Component Tracking requirements or have other problems that need to be corrected before the data is processed.
- Bearing Press Recorder version
released September 30, 2021
New Features
- OEE feature lets administrators specify a run rate and quotas. If production exceeds the specified run rate the operator will be prompted to enter a reason for the downtime before they can continue.
- Component Validations feature lets administrators configure conditional expressions similar to Business Rules that can prompt users if certain conditions are not met. See the Bearing Press Recorder user guide for more information.
- Bearing Press Recorder version
released August 31, 2021
Bug Fixes
- No default fields were being selected for the History screen, resulting in an error. An admin was required to manually select one or more fields from the Options dialog before History would return results.
- When the Registration option was enabled and the registration failed, the user would be prompted to cancel saving and try to fix the error. The cancel button did not prevent the user from being returned to the search screen so they could fix the issues.
- Manually selecting a specific date from the History screen caused all results from the selected date to the current date to be returned, instead of just that specific day.
- Added an option to let users update existing wheel or axle components by scanning the manufacturer barcode. Previously this was disabled to prevent accidentally overwriting data when the operators scan the wrong barcode. Some users require this if the barcodes are unable to be scanned at a previous station, such as in an automated assembly line.
- Bearing Press Recorder version
released August 18, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Business Rules were not being applied in some cases, allowing users to save changes even if business rules were violated.
- Bearing Press Recorder would crash if a user was able to initiate a Save operation while the application was already trying to save.
- Update Service was not getting notified when the application closed or a user logged out causing Shop Manager to indicate a user was always logged in, even when they weren’t.