released August 29, 2022
Bug Fixes
- Import and Export of System Settings had issues with image ids not being exported. On import, if the image id was not set, the image was removed from a component type or lookup value. Also, conditional validations on date fields (=today, =now, etc) was being treated as an Excel formula and not exporting or importing correctly.
- In the Options dialog, when viewing the list of Accounts (customers) all accounts were showing up by default with no way to filter to only show the active customers. The older ‘Manage Customer’ dialog filtered to only show active accounts unless the user explicitly wanted to include disabled accounts. This feature was added to the Options dialog.
- Login dialog was not resizing properly when using a culture other than English and some text was getting cut off.
- Manage Component Type dialog was not enabling the save button when adding or editing a business rule or recall. The user had to make another change to enable the save button in order to be able to save their changes.
- Condition expressions (like business rules, requirements, alerts) that contained NewLine characters (carriage return or line feed) caused an issue preventing the condition from evaluating. The Condition logic has now been updated to ignore all whitespace characters.
- When viewing Assembly details, the Customer assigned to a subcomponent was not visible. For customers that track the owner of individual materials, they had no way of seeing which customer the subcomponents were assigned to without navigating to the individual component.
- MountStatus search result field was being returned as a numerical value instead of text describing the status of the mount (good, max force exceeded, etc).
- Users can now create custom queries with parameters for misfit status. Using @misfit or @mountstatus as the parameter name in a query will create a list of the defined mount statuses for the user to filter by.
- When managing a machine’s settings from the Options dialog, the UnitTime is no longer calculated automatically when the Goal changes. Users must now click the Calculate Unit Time button which will determine the total amount of time defined for the shift (subtracting defined breaks) and divide by the specified Goal.
- When creating new users, you can no longer include spaces, or certain special characters ( ” \ / : ; | = , + * ? < > ` ~ [ ] )
- When a user logs in, if their current password does not meet the new Password Strength settings, the user will be prompted to change their password.
- Element Alerts – users can now define custom alerts on component or inspection Elements. Alerts can have the following severity:
- Error – users cannot save the data until the error has been corrected. This is similar to business rules and validations.
- Warning – users are notified of the alert before saving but are allowed to continue saving their data.
- Message – no user notification, used for informational purposes only.
- Password Strength – administrators can now specify password strength requirements to enforce that user’s passwords meet the specified criteria when they set or change their password. You can choose from the following options:
- Require at least one capital letter (A-Z)
- Require at least one number (0-9)
- Require at least one special character (!@#$, etc)
- Minimum password length