Shop Manager version

Shop Manager version

released October 13, 2021

Bug Fixes

  • Assembly Configurations list was not scrolling if more configurations exist than would fit on the screen.
  • On the Shared Timer and Shared Messages widgets, the edit button was still visible to users, even if they did not have the correct permissions.
  • Searching for Shipments by Customer was showing an error when changing between shipment queries unless the user selected a different customer.
  • Document Viewer menu was not allowing the list of documents to scroll, preventing users from seeing all documents, if the list contained more documents than would fit on the screen.


  • Manage Updates dialog now opens as modeless, allowing the window to float so the user can interact with other Shop Manager windows.
  • Improved startup time by decreasing the timeout interval when connecting to the update service and moving some operations to the background so Shop Manager could continue to load while waiting on the service.
  • An optional database update was causing all subcomponent records to be saved when an assembly was updated (including reviewing charts), even if the user did not enter any data. The issue reported was that a wheelset was showing to have bearings after reviewing charts, even though it had not yet been entered at Bearing Press Recorder.
  • Added an optional email address field to the Manage Users dialog to allow saving an email address for users that can be used by the Get Support feature.